Logan Destine

Friday, June 15, 2007

Week 36 ----> 10 months old

Logan had his check-up with the doctor. Everything is well. But my, we have a bruiser.....21 lbs! That's up 3 lbs. from his last visit 2 months ago. He went up a cm. in head circumfrence and total body length in 2 months.

Logan is a busy baby. Crawling like crazy. On carpet or tile, he doesn't slow down (those poor knees). He's pulling himself up onto his knees and today I turned and he had pulled himself to standing. Very wobbly however. I must say, when he bonks his head, falls over or does a face plant when his arms and legs don't go fast enough while he's crawling, he doesn't cry each time. Don't get me wrong. He's had some good bonks of the head that have sent him crying.

Teeth count remains at 2.

Logan liked the taste of the tropics. He did pull a sour face for his first taste of mango. I think they weren't the ripest they could have been. The Papaya was popular. I've got some organic ground beef that I will prepare for his next new taste.

We met a new little friend this week. On one of our walks in the neighbourhood, I got chatting to the Mom of 1 year old Olivia. Logan and her have the same stroller. Perhaps we'll meet them again for a walk.

Stay tuned for the surprise Logan has for Father's Day....


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