Logan Destine

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Are you tired yet?

These photos were done in the space of a few minutes. He sure can cover some ground.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

An assortment

Logan has two more teeth making a grand total of 6!
Our proud walker. Look at him gesturing, "I'm #1!"
When Logan finds something terribly amusing, he will giggle and squeal.
Caught in the act again. Our little Bookworm.

Pots & Pans

Logan has discovered the drawers with the pots and pans. He likes dropping the lids from his shoulder height and letting them fall onto the ceramic tiles. They do make an interesting loud sound which explains why he will do it over and over. I cannot imagine what it sounds like to the man who lives below us. Fortunately, he isn't home too often.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Logan has been walking for a week now. His cold did affect his balance as he wouldn't stay up very long. This is video of Logan walking just after lunch and before his afternoon nap.

I didn't lay out his toys to create an obstacle course but it is interesting to see him manoeuvre the toys. I don't know why Logan puts his face on the floor and crawls head down....perhaps he's wiping his nose? He's only done it recently.

Logan now crawls 50% of the time and walks the other 50%. He can walk from one end of our place to the other. He can turn around corners and avoid toys, etc. He will even ignore Michael and my open arms and walk right past us.

Our sick boy

Logan had his first proper cold. Last Friday, he began with a runny nose. On Saturday, he woke up with a "rattly" cough. Unfortunately, I had my first 3-day work week. However, Michael was on the afternoon shift and was able to be with Logan until lunch time. We all felt it would be more comfortable for Logan if my Mom were to come to our place to look after Logan for the 3 half days. Logan was a typical sick little boy, cranky, clingy and very cryful. Thankfully Logan seemed to sleep very well during the night. His daytime naps were a bit unpredictable. We just let him sleep how often and for how long he needed.

I would like to say that Michael & I escaped the germs, but I cannot. Michael came down with a cold last night. I started with a mild sore throat yesterday to have it ramp up to a "killer" sore throat today. Thankfully we don't have a busy weekend ahead of us as we did last weekend. We will lay low and get plenty of rest.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Logan's shadow

We've had a run of 11 days of straight sunshine. This morning as I was feeding Logan his breakfast, I noticed his shadow on the kitchen wall.

While out & about today, Logan and I ran into one of the nurses from the Special Care Nursery, Ester. She was so happy to see Logan. It was nice to chat to her. Perhaps we'll have to pop in at the Nursery and say hi to the other nurses. Reassure the parents with wee little babies that Logan was a 4 lb, 2 oz baby and in the nursery for 5 weeks.....and now look at him!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Logan walking

And he's off.....

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Do we have a future plumber?

I don't know what Logan's fascination with the washing machine is all about. We have to keep the door of the washing machine open after washing some clothes to let the inside of the washer dry out. I normally close the closet doors as far as they will go with the dryer door open. Logan now opens the closet door and will stick his upper body into the dryer and bang on the inside of the drum with his hands. New sounds to explore I suppose.


Logan had just had a bath and Michael was playing with Logan in his room as I was wrapping Birthday presents in the living room. I noticed it had gotten really quiet, so I went to investigate. I happened upon this scene. Michael using Logan's oversized duck as a pillow, asleep on the floor. Logan was probably infront of Michael when he layed his head down, "just to rest.". Logan must have crawled over or around his Dad and made his way to the laundy hamper that he routinely tips it over and pulls all the dirty clothes out. Then he opened the bottom drawer of this dresser and pulled out all the clean clothes that are too big yet for him. When the camera flash went off, Logan looked up - caught in the act. Michael woke as well - busted! I had to giggle.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Kids and cardboard boxes

We bought a second carseat for Logan. Initially, Logan wasn't too sure about the box. It didn't take too long for that to change.

Our day at the PNE

We headed to the PNE for the afternoon. It was so busy. I think most people heard that it was going to be rainy on the Sunday, so they went on the Saturday just as we did. We found a nice grassy area for lunch. Logan was fasinated by the fountains.
Logan didn't go on any rides of course. We mainly walked around the grounds and watched the many free outdoor shows. The sandcastles were impressive. Michael and I agree that the sandcastle that awarded 3rd prize, should have gotten 1st prize.