Logan Destine

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Our sick boy

Logan had his first proper cold. Last Friday, he began with a runny nose. On Saturday, he woke up with a "rattly" cough. Unfortunately, I had my first 3-day work week. However, Michael was on the afternoon shift and was able to be with Logan until lunch time. We all felt it would be more comfortable for Logan if my Mom were to come to our place to look after Logan for the 3 half days. Logan was a typical sick little boy, cranky, clingy and very cryful. Thankfully Logan seemed to sleep very well during the night. His daytime naps were a bit unpredictable. We just let him sleep how often and for how long he needed.

I would like to say that Michael & I escaped the germs, but I cannot. Michael came down with a cold last night. I started with a mild sore throat yesterday to have it ramp up to a "killer" sore throat today. Thankfully we don't have a busy weekend ahead of us as we did last weekend. We will lay low and get plenty of rest.


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