Logan Destine

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Logan's 6th Birthday & Adventures

 Monday, August 13th (Logan's Birthday) was spent hanging out at Ambleside Beach.
The Duncombe's & Gleaves.  Good food, games, family & friends.
 Sunday, August 19th was Logan's Birthday Party for his school friends.
Many games were played ( like "Go, go, go, Stop!")

 After a few games, it was cake time.  Logan requested a Rainbow Cake.
I had fun making this Rainbow layered cake.

 Then more games.  Everyone did well with the Egg & Spoon Race.
Good thing we used Hard Boiled Eggs!
Logan unwrapped his presents and then the party was over.
It was a lot of work, but everyone seemed to have a good time!

 Michael is off this week.  We decided to stay in town to be able to visit with 
Auntie Sonia and cousins ZoĆ© & Nahla.  We did daily Family Adventures.  
The first day was spent at Britannia Mine Museum in Squamish, BC

 Logan thought that this huge Dump Truck was amazing!
We went on a train ride in the Mine and saw the dynamite & drills used.
We learned all about the working conditions the miners had to work in.

A family picture of us standing in The Hollow Tree at Stanley Park.

We visited the H.R. MACMILLAN SPACE CENTRE where we
watched a film about our Solar System.  Many things to explore including
an exhibit/show showing us the Colour of Fire.

Our Space Explorer, Logan!


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