Logan Destine

Friday, March 16, 2007

Our Accident

On February 24th we were involved in a serious car accident. We delayed posting this picture until my Mom returned from her trip visiting my sister. The lady driving the car that hit us was completely 100% at fault. She T-boned us when she lost control of her vehicle as she was merging onto Hwy 1. I believe Michael's quick thinking saved us from being hit head on. We were sent into the ditch. Fortunately we didn't roll and most importantly, we are all OK! ICBC estimates the damage to Michael's car to be $9,000. The body shop thinks that their quote is optomistic. Logan now has a new car seat to replace the one involved in the accident. A big thank-you to Michael's Mom & Dad for picking us up somewhere near Fort Langley (we were heading out to Chilliwack to visit Michael's sister's new place) and driving us home to North Van.


Blogger CAMacKinnon said...

It's a good thing Logan's car seat was on the trunk and not in the car!

Mike told me about this a little while ago, but I'll say it here anyways: Glad to hear everybody is okay.

9:02 AM  

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