Logan Destine

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Father's Day 2007

Logan's gift to Michael on Father's Day. He painted it himself.

Our Father's Day got off to a late start due to Logan's 2.5 hour nap after lunch time.
We used a offer from the Capilano Suspension Bridge for free admission. It was a great afternoon. Michael & I both visited the bridge when we were younger and were amazed at all the things they have added to the attraction. The huge tree that fell onto the bridge during those wind storms in Dec., lay next to the bridge.
Logan seemed to be a magnet for all the asian tourists.
We attempted to introduce Logan to a new taste this evening. Puréed ground beef. He tried 3 spoonfuls and gagged, sputtered and flinched with each. We didn't push it. Perhaps we'll try it again in the future mixed with something


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