Logan Destine

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Logan was playing in his room. I stepped out and returned moments later to find that he had climbed into a basket. "Look what the Easter Bunny left!"
Michael was so happy to find a baby's bicycle helmut for Logan. You can't see but on the side of the helmut it says, Police. Michael has borrowed a bike trailer from his sister. He'll be able to tow Logan behind him while riding his bike. Logan didn't like having the helmut on his head to begin with but slowly warmed up to it.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Our Week

Week 42

I believe I can speak for all of us when I say, "Thank goodness this week is finished!" We are now all feeling healthy. Logan is sleeping straight through the night once again.

Logan will stand without any support for 1-2 seconds before lowering himself onto his bum. He seems to enjoy walking while Michael or I hold his hands. However, he won't go for long distances. He'll drop down and crawl the rest of the way.

I've tried twice now to introduce a Lentil Rice-Pilaf (with curry). It has a consistancy of couscous. He's rejected it twice now. He's eating more things with a thicker texture so I don't think that is what is putting him off. He's gobbling up the beautiful fruit that I get from the Farmer's Market (BC blueberries, cherries, peaches). I'm waiting for the plums and nectarines to ripen.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Week 41

This week seemed eventful. First, the weather was fantastic as Logan splashed about in his pool. Then as the work week started, the weather turned to rain. Logan developed a runny nose and became cranky and clingy. Uh oh, his first cold! On Tuesday I noticed a new tooth. Could that have been the cause of his runny nose and crankiness? Apparently so. When his bottom teeth appeared they came up one after the other. I will assume the same will happen with the upper teeth. Logan's night time sleep has been very challenging as a result.

Michael came down with a cold and has been zapped of his energy so I try to let him sleep in the evening. One night he did rescue me as I had been up with Logan for 2 hours and he wasn't happy. Dad must have had the magic cuddle as he passed out shortly after being in his arms. Thanks Mike!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Loads of summer fun

Logan & Michael both enjoy bouncing Logan on Michael's tummy. Logan will grin which causes Michael to laugh. His tummy bounces Logan up & down which causes Logan to giggle. And it goes on and on.

Logan enjoying the view of Grandpop & Linda's garden from his pool. Big enough for a few more people, I think.

On the Friday evening, Logan & I attended my works annual BBQ at my boss's house. All the kids were having a great time on the trampoline and Logan enjoyed watching them. I took Logan on to the trampoline to lightly bounce and he began smiling and bouncing. All that time in his Jolly-Jumper was good practice. I certainly didn't count on having all the little girls want to help entertain Logan. At times I think Logan was a bit overwhelmed but they were all good kids.

Week 40

11 months old!

Logan beat the heat this week by splashing around in a friends "kiddie pool". In fact, he enjoyed himself so much that his Grandpop got him the same pool. Since we don't have a yard to speak of, Grandpop & Linda have kindly allowed us to come over whenever we'd like to use the pool in their garden.

There were a few nights that Logan had difficulty falling asleep. I suspect the hot weather was to blame. Thankfully, Logan now drinks the water from his "sippy cup" instead of just biting the top.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Week 39

Logan is now more confident while standing. He can move laterally along the couch and will lower himself slowly to the ground instead of a free-fall to him bum.

He's vocalizing more. "Rah-rah" and "Mum-Mum" are two examples. I won't flatter myself by thinking that he is referring to me. That will come later, I know.

Week 38

Logan attended his first parade. Unfortunately Michael and I forgot to bring the camera. Logan did surprisingly well. Some of the sirens startled him but all in all he watched the whole parade. It was almost 2 hours long so he watched from his stroller, then Dad's arms and or shoulders, then Mom's arms and finally back to his stroller where he fell asleep for the last bit.