Logan Destine

Friday, July 27, 2007

Week 42

I believe I can speak for all of us when I say, "Thank goodness this week is finished!" We are now all feeling healthy. Logan is sleeping straight through the night once again.

Logan will stand without any support for 1-2 seconds before lowering himself onto his bum. He seems to enjoy walking while Michael or I hold his hands. However, he won't go for long distances. He'll drop down and crawl the rest of the way.

I've tried twice now to introduce a Lentil Rice-Pilaf (with curry). It has a consistancy of couscous. He's rejected it twice now. He's eating more things with a thicker texture so I don't think that is what is putting him off. He's gobbling up the beautiful fruit that I get from the Farmer's Market (BC blueberries, cherries, peaches). I'm waiting for the plums and nectarines to ripen.


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