Logan Destine

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Week 41

This week seemed eventful. First, the weather was fantastic as Logan splashed about in his pool. Then as the work week started, the weather turned to rain. Logan developed a runny nose and became cranky and clingy. Uh oh, his first cold! On Tuesday I noticed a new tooth. Could that have been the cause of his runny nose and crankiness? Apparently so. When his bottom teeth appeared they came up one after the other. I will assume the same will happen with the upper teeth. Logan's night time sleep has been very challenging as a result.

Michael came down with a cold and has been zapped of his energy so I try to let him sleep in the evening. One night he did rescue me as I had been up with Logan for 2 hours and he wasn't happy. Dad must have had the magic cuddle as he passed out shortly after being in his arms. Thanks Mike!


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