Logan Destine

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Loads of summer fun

Logan & Michael both enjoy bouncing Logan on Michael's tummy. Logan will grin which causes Michael to laugh. His tummy bounces Logan up & down which causes Logan to giggle. And it goes on and on.

Logan enjoying the view of Grandpop & Linda's garden from his pool. Big enough for a few more people, I think.

On the Friday evening, Logan & I attended my works annual BBQ at my boss's house. All the kids were having a great time on the trampoline and Logan enjoyed watching them. I took Logan on to the trampoline to lightly bounce and he began smiling and bouncing. All that time in his Jolly-Jumper was good practice. I certainly didn't count on having all the little girls want to help entertain Logan. At times I think Logan was a bit overwhelmed but they were all good kids.


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