Logan Destine

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Week 37

Not much to report from the past week. Logan enjoyed many walks while we had beautiful weather. He pulls himself up to standing in his crib and on furniture. He doesn't move laterally yet. In fact he'll start to moan after he's been standing for a while and that usually signals that he doesn't want to stand anymore. It's like he gets stuck. Other times he has no problems falling to his bum to move on to something different.
We've put up the baby gates this week as the kitchen has too many interesting things to play with. The computer cabinet is in the kitchen as Logan's room was the computer room. We had to move the wine rack into the kitchen as he kept making a bee-line for it and would pull the bottles out. When we would give a stern "No Logan!" he'd just turn, look and smile at us.


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