Logan Destine

Friday, March 23, 2007

Week 24

Our persistance at the Rice Cereal seems to have paid off. I believe Logan prefers a thicker consitancy. All the better for sticking to noses and cheeks. He is almost sitting on his own now.

I believe Logan's teething is beginning. His naps during the day don't last longer than 40 mins. now. He still manages 10 hours at night (thank goodness). He was quite good at getting himself off to sleep in his crib without much rocking. Now he seems crankier when it's time to go down to sleep, not able to settle himself. "No, I don't want the soother, my fingers are much better, mmm. Wait, where is the soother?" back and forth until sleep washes over as if in an instant, click! - Goodnight Logan Berry.


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